1. “Ah, time to settle down with a cheery, feel-good Irish film.”
2. “Sure look, there’s Grafton Street! I’ve been inside that Dunnes Stores, so I have.”
3. “I wonder if I’ll see anyone I recognise.”
5. “Where do I know your man from?”
6. “Oh, he was in Love/Hate.”
7. “Or maybe it was The Fall.”
8. “And there’s whatshisname as well. Oh my God, what’s he in!!!”
9. “It sounds like he’s actually putting on that Irish accent, doesn’t it? Must be all the time he’s spending in America.”
10. “Is there a law that says Colm Meaney has to be in every film?”
11. “Ah sure, he’s very good in fairness.”
12. “Here, the STATE of her accent.”
(To be said with the utmost smugness.)
13. “Oh look, another person from Love/Hate.”